OSELLA FA1I - 1988 F1 SEASON - Mug

  • $16.00 USD
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The Osella FA1I was a Formula 1 racing car of the Italian team Osella Squadra Corse, the 1987 and 1988 was reported to be 17 races. He solved the Osella FA1G from a technical point and had similarities with the Osella FA1H . The car was developed by Ignazio Lunetta technically unreliable. The car reached the finish in any single race.

1988 Osella denied the opening race in Brazil with the FA1I. The car - now painted entirely different - was for Nicola Larini reported. However, the Italians failed to qualify, so it did not come to a race entry. Then the FA1I was the largely revised Osella FA1L replaced Osellas last car with Alfa Romeo technology. Gustav Brunner, the technical director of the German Rial team and constructor of the Rial ARC01, described the FA1I in March 1988 as a "really bad car ".

• Ceramic
• Dishwasher and microwave safe
• White and glossy